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Vam Straaten, Modestus | On Plotinus | Kephalaion, Studies in Greek Philosophy and its continuation, Mansfeld, J. + Rijk, L.M. = Ed, Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen | 90-232-1212-6 |
Van der Waerden | Pythagoras | . | . |
Van der Waerden | Zenon und die Grundlagenkrise der griechischen Mathematik | Mathematische Annalen, # 117, 1940/41 | . |
Van Eck, Job | Resailing Socrates' … Greek: A Criticism of Rowe's 'Explanation in Phaedo 99C 6-102 A 8' | Book: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XIV, 1996, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823670-0 |
Vander Waerdt, Paul A. | Socratic Justice and Self -Sufficiency: The Story of the Delphic Oracle in Xenophon's Apology of Socrates | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XI, 1993, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824095-3 |
Van Effenterre, Henri | The Function of Momumentality in the Minoan Palaces | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Vasiliou, Iakovos | Perception, Knowledge, and the Sceptic in Aristotle | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XIV, 1996, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823670-0 |
Verbeke, G. | La notion de propriete dans les Topiques | Aristotle on Dialectic - The Topics - Proceeding of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Owen, G.E.L. = Ed Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968 | . |
Verbeke, G. | Moral Behaviour and Time in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics | Kephalaion, Studies in Greek Philosophy and its continuation, Mansfeld, J. + De Rijk, L.M. = Ed, Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen | 90-232-1212-6 |
Verbeke, G. | The Aristotelian Doctrine of Qualitative Change in Physics VII 3 | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J. P. Anton | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Der Logosbegriff bei Heraklit und Parmenides, Part 1 | Phronesis 11, 1966, pp. 81-98 | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Der Logosbegriff bei Heraklit und Parmenides, Part 2 | Phronesis 12, 1967, pp. 99-117 | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Empedocles' Doctrine of Sight, (Book: Studia varia Carolo Guilielmo Vollgraff a discipulis oblata) | North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1948, pp. 155-164 | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Heraclitus' Conception of Fire | Kephalaion, Studies in Greek Philosophy and its continuation, Mansfeld, J. + De Rijk, L.M. = Ed, Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen | 90-232-1212-6 |
Verdenius, W.J. | Notes on the Presocratics | Mnemosyne 13, 1947, pp. 271-289 | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Notes on the Topics | Aristotle on Dialectic - The Topics - Proceeding of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Owen, G.E.L. = Ed Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968 | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Parmenides B2, 3 | Mnemosyne 2, 1949, pp 116-131 | . |
Verdenius, W.J. | Respect for and Criticism of, current Views in Greek Thought | Maia, No. 15, 1963 | . |
Viano, C. | [Greek]: Les Phenomenes et le … | Greek Word Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Vincenzo, J. | The Great Disciple of Heraclitus | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | A Note on Zeno B 1 | Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2, Allen, R.E. + Furley, D. = Ed, Humanities Press | 0 391 00360 7 |
Vlastos, Gregory | A Note on Zeno's Arrow | Phronesis, Vol. Xi, 1966, No. 1 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | A Zenoian Argument against Plurality | Essays In Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Afterthoughts on The Socratic Elenchus | . | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Anamnesis in the Meno | The Dialogue, Vol. IV, No. 2, 65 St. Catherine Press | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Cornford's Principium Sapientiae | Book Studies in Presocratic Philosophy Volume 1, - Furley and Allen | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Degrees of Reality in Plato | New Essays on Plato and Aristotle | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Equality and Justice in Greek Cosmologies | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Ethics and Physics in Democritus | Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2, Allen, R.E. + Furley, D. = Ed, Humanities Press | 0391 00360 7 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Fraenkel, Wege und Formend Fruehgriechischen Denkens | Gnomon, 1959, No. 31 | . |
Vlastos, Gergory | Isonomia | ISONOMIA, 1964 | . |
Vlastos, Gergory | Isonomia | Studien zur Gleichheitsvorstellung im griechischen Denken, 1964, | . |
Vlastos, Gergory | Isonomia | Sonderdruck aus Isonomia Akademie Verlag Berlin | . |
Vlastos, Gergory | IV. Equality And Justice In Early Greek Cosmologies1 | Book Studies in Presocratic Philosophy Volume 1 - Furley and Allen | . |
Vlastos, Gergory | Jean Zafiropoulo: L'Ecole Eleate. Parmenide-Zenon-Melissos | from Gnomon 25, 1953 | . |
Vlastos, Gergory | Justice and Psychic Harmony in the Republic | Journal of Philosophy, 1969, No. 16, LXVI | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Minimal Parts in Epicurean Atomism | ISIS, 1965, No. 184, Vol. 56, 2 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | On Heraclitus | Allen & Furley, Studies in Pres. Phil, II | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | On Heraclitus Allen & Furley, Studies in Pres. Phil, II | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
Vlastos, Gregory | On Heraclitus* | Book Studies in Presocratic Philosophy Volume 1, - Furley and Allen | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | One World or Many in Anaxagoras | Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2, Allen, R.E. + Furley, D. = Ed, Humanities Press | 0 391 00360 7 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Parmenides' Theory of Knowledge | from American Philological, 1946 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Plato's supposed Theory of Irregular Atomic Figures | . | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Elea | Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. XCV, 1975 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Postscript To The Third Man: A Reply To Mr. Geach | The Philosophical Review, PR 65, 1956 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Raven's 'Pythagoreans and Eleatics' | Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2, Allen, R.E. + Furley, D. = Ed, Humanities Press | 0 391 00360 7 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Reason and Causes in the Phaedo | The Philosophical Review, Vol. LXXXVIII, 1969 No. 3 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Review of F.M. Cornford: Principium Sapientae | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Review of J. Zafiropoulo L'ecole eleate Paris 1950 | Gnomon, 1953 No. 25 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Self-Prediction in Plato's Later Period | The Philosophical Review, Vol. LXXVIII, 1969 No 1 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Separation' in Plato | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. V, 1987, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824457-6 |
Vlastos, Gregory | The Physical Theory of Anaxagoras | Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2, Allen, R.E. + Furley, D. = Ed, Humanities Press | 0 391 00360 7 |
Vlastos, Gregory | The Socratic Elenchus | . | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | The Third Man Argument in the Parmenides | . | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | The Unity of the Virtues in the Protagoras | Rewiev of Metaphysics, 1972, No. 3, Vol. XXV | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Theology and Philosophy in Early Greek Thought | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Third Man Argument in The 'Parmenides' | Studies in Plato's Metaphysics, Allen, R.E. = Ed. | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Vlastos on the Elenchus | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. I, 1983, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824705-2 |
Vlastos, Gregory | Was Polus refuted ? | American Journal of Philology, 1967, Vol. LXXXVIII, 4 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Wege und Formen fruehgriechischen Denkens | Gnomon 31 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Zafiropoulo, L'Ecole Eleate: Parmenide - Zenon - Melissos | Gnomon, 1953, No. 25 | . |
Vlastos, Gregory | Zeno's Race Course | Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, Vol. 2, Allen, R.E. + Furley, D. = Ed, Humanities Press | 0 391 00360 7 |
Vogt, Heinrich | Die Geometrie des Pythagoras | Bibliotheca Mathematica, 3. Folge, 9. Band, 1 Heft, 1908 | . |
Vogt, Heinrich | Die Entdeckungsgeschichte des Irrationalen nach Plato und andered Quellen des 4. Jahrhunderts | Bibliotheca Mathematica, 1909/10, No. 3.10 | . |
von Fritz, Kurt | Mathematiker und Akusmatiker bei den alten Pyrhagoreern | Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte | 1960, Heft 11 |
von Fritz, Kurt | Platon in Sizilien und das Problem der Philosophenherrschaft, 1968 | RE, August Pauly's and Georg Wissowa's Real-Encyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft | . |
Von Fritz, Kurt | The Discovery of Incommensurability by Hippasus of Metapontum | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
Von Fritz, Kurt | The Philosophical Passage in the Seventh Platonic Letter and the Problem of Plato's 'Esoteric' Philosophy | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P.Anton | . |
Von Fritz, Kurt | [Greek] and their derivatives in Homer | Classical Philology 38, 1943, pp. 79-93 | . |
Von Gerkan, Armin | Einwaende zum vorstehenden Aufsatz | Philologus, Zeitschrift fuer das Klassische Altertum, Band 97, Heft 1/2, 1948 Dietrich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Inh. W. Klemm, Wiesbaden | . |
Von Gonzenbach, Victorine | Untersuchungen zu den Knabenweihen im Isiskult der roemischen Kaiserzeit | Gnomon, 1959, No. 31 | . |
Von Jahn, Carl | Die Harmonie der Sphaeren | Philologus, Zeitschrift fuer das Classische Altertum, Band LII, Heft 1, 1983 | . |
von Wilamowitz, U. | Die [Greek] des Empedokles | Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1929, pp. 625-661 | . |
von Wilamowitz, U. | Lesefruechte | Hermes 34, 1899, pp. 203-206 | . |
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