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Palaima, Thomas G. | Preliminary comparative textual evidence for palatial control of economic activity in Minoan and Mycenaean Crete | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 301-306 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Palmer John A. | Plato and Presocratic Scepticism | . | . |
Palmer, John A. | Xenophanes' Ouranian God in the Fourth Century | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XVI, 1998, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823815-0 |
Palyvou, Clairy | Circulatory patterns in Minoan architecture | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 195-203 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Papanikolaou, A. | AHP: Anaximenes und Corpus Hippocraticum | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Papathanassiou, Maria | Geometric Figures and Divinities in Early Pythagoreans | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Papathanassiou, Maria | The Influence of Pythagorean Philosophy on the Development of Mathematical Astronomy | Pythagorean Philosophy, Bourdouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1992 | . |
Paseau, Alexander | Should the Logic of Set Theory be Intuitionistic? | Aristotelian Society Proceedings, New Series, Vol. CI, The Aristotelian Society | 0-907111-44-0 |
Patterson, Richard | The Case of the Two Barbaras: Basic Approaches to Aristotle's Modal Logic | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VII, 1989, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824242-5 |
Pearl, Orsamus | Rules for Musical Contests | Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. III, 1978, Marcovich, Miroslav = Ed, University of Illinois Press | 0-252-00654-2 |
Peatfield, Alan | Palace and Peak: The political and religious Relationship between Palaces and Peak Sanctuaries | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 89-93 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Peck, A.L. | Aristotle On Greek | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Peck, Arthur L. | Plato versus Parmenides | . | . |
Pedley, John Griffiths | An Attic Grave Stele in the Fogg Art Museum | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 69, 1965, Harvard University Press | . |
Pelon, Olivier | Minoan palaces and workshops: New data from Malia | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 269-272 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Penner, Terry | Socrates on Virtue and Motivation | Exegesis and Argument, Studies in Greek Philosophy presented to Gregory Vlastos - Mourelatos, A.P.D. / Lee, E.N. / Morty, R.M. = Ed Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen, p. 133-151 | 90-232-1039-5 |
Pennings, Guido | Postmenopausal Women and the Right of Access to Oocyte Donation | Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2001, pp. 171-182 | 0264-3758 (ISSN) |
Perelmuter, Ze'Ev | The Logos of Opinion and Knowledge | The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 1, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens. 1996 | . |
Peter, Fabienne | Health Equity and Social Justice | Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2001, pp. 159-170 | 0264-3758 (ISSN) |
Philippoussis, J. | The Gnoseological and Metaphysical Particularity of Xenophanes' Thought | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Phillips, D.Z. | Symposium: "From World to God ?" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XLI, 1967, Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Phillips, E.D. | Parmenides on Thought and Being | The Philosophical Review, 1955, No. 64 | . |
Philoponus - Charlton, William Trans | Philoponus - On Aristotle on the Intellect | de Anima 3.4-8, Cornell University Press | 0-8014-2681-2 |
Philoponus - Lettnick, Paul Trans | Philoponus - On Aristotle's Physics 5-8 | in Book Simplicius, On Aristotle's On the Void, Cornell University Press | 0-8014-3005-4 |
Piaia, Gregorio | Brucker versus Rorty? On the Methods of the Historiography of Philosophy | The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2001, Routledge | 0960-8788 ISSN |
Pierris, A.L. | Logos as ontological Principle of Reality | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 2, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Pierris, Apostolos | Origin and Nature of Ealry Pythagorean Cosmogony | Pythagorean Philosophy, Bourdouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1992 | . |
Place, U.T. | Symposium: "Consciousness and Perception" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XL, 1966, Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Plochmann, George Kimball | Supporting Themes in the Symposium | Essays in Ancient Phil. From J.P.Anton | . |
Pohle, William | Dimensional Concepts and the Interpretation of Plato's Physics | Phronesis, 1973, Suppl. Vol. 1 | . |
Pohlenz, Max | Nomos | Philologus, Zeitschrift fuer das Klassische Altertum, Band 97, Heft 1/2, 1948 Dietrich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Inh. W. Klemm, Wiesbaden | . |
Polanski, Ronald M. | Professor Vlastos's Analysis of Socratic Elenchus | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. III, 1985, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824910-1 |
Polinger Foster, Karen | Reconstructing Minoan palatial faience workshops | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 287-292 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Politis, Vasilis | The Primacy of Self-Love in the Nichomachean Ethics | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XI, 1993, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824095-3 |
Popham, Mervyn | The use of the palace at Knossos st the time of its destruction, c. 1400 B.C. | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 297-299 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Popper, K.R. | Back to the Presocratics | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
Popper, Karl R. | How the Moon might throw some of Light upon the Two Ways of Parmenides | CG 42, 1992 | . |
Potter, M. + Smiley, Th. | Abstraction by Recarving - Discussion - with Response by Bob Hale | Aristotelian Society Proceedings, New Series, Vol. CI, The Aristotelian Society | 0-907111-44-0 |
Poursat, Jean-Claude | Town and Palace at Malia in the protopalatial period (summary) | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 77-84 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Preus, Anthony | Eidos as Norm in Aristotle's Biology | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., Vol. 2, Anton, J.A. + Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87395-623-0 |
Prier, Raymond A | Some Thoughts on the Archaic | The Classical World, Nov. 1976, Vol. 70, No. 3, Whole No. 1390 | . |
Prior J. William | The Historicity of Plato's Apology | . | . |
Purinton, Jeffrey S. | Aristotle's Definition of Happiness NE I. 7, 1098a 16-18 | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XVI, 1998, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823815-0 |
Purtill, Richard | Logic and Logos | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 1, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Purtill, Richard | Pythagorean Persons | Pythagorean Philosophy, Bourdouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1992 | . |
Purtill, Richard | The Unity of Pythagorean Philosophy | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Putnam, Michael J. | Unity and Design in Aeneid V | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 66, 1962, Cambridge, Harvard University Press | . |
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