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Ramage, Edwin S. | Juvenal, Satire 12: On Friendship True and False | Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. III, 1978, Marcovich, Miroslav = Ed, University of Illinois Press | 0-252-00654-2 |
Rangos, Spyridon | Proclus on Poetic Mimesis, Symbolism, and Truth | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XVII, 1999, Sedley, David = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-825019-3 |
Rawson, Elizabeth | Prodigy Lists and the Use of the Annales Maximi | The Classical Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 1, May 1971 | . |
Recanati, Francois | Open Quotation | Mind, A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, Vol. 110, No. 439, July 2001 | 0026-4423 (ISSN) |
Reedy, Jeremiah | Mythos, Logos and the Birth of Philosophy | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 2, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Rees, D.A. | Aristotle's Treatment of Greek | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P.Anton | . |
Reesor, Margret E. | Anaxagoras and Epicurus | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2, Anton, J.P. + Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87395-623-0 |
Reesor, Margret E. | The Problem of Anaxagoras | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2, Anton, J.A. + Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87395-623-0 |
Reich, K. | Parmenides und die Pythagoreer | Hermes 82, 1954, pp. 287-294 | . |
Reiche, H.A.T. | Empirical Aspects of Xenophanes' Theology | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil. From J.P. Anton | . |
Reilly, Thomas J. | Parmenides Fragment 8.4: a Correction | Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 62, 1980, p. 57 | . |
Renehan, Robert | The Early Greek Poets: Some Interpretations | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 87, 1983, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37934-9 |
Reshotko Naomi | Reshotko's Comments on Kahn's "Why the doctrine of recollection is absent from the Republic" | . | . |
Rhees, R. | Symposium: "Unanswerable Questions" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XL, 1966 Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Rhode, E. | Die Quellen des Iamblichus in seiner Biographie des Pythagoras | Museum fuer Philologie, No. 26, 1871 Verlag von Johann David Sauerlaender | . |
Rich, A.N.M. | Body and Soul in the Philosophy of Plotinus | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Riezler, Kurt | Parmenides | . | . |
Rist, John M. | Monism: Plotinus and some Predecessors | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 69, 1965, Harvard University Press | . |
Rist, John M. | Notes on Aristotle De Anima 3.5 | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Rist, John M. | The Neoplatonic One and Plato's Parmenides | TAPA, Vol. XCIII, 1962 | . |
Rist, John M. | Zeno and Stoic Consistency | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2, Anton, J.P. +Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87395-623-0 |
Roberts, G. | Some Questions in Epistemology | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXX, 1969-1970, Methuern & Co. Ltd. | . |
Roberts, Jean | Knowing about Understanding: A discussion of J. Moline, Plato's Theory of Understanding | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. II, 1984, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824768-0 |
Robertson, Martin | What is "Hellenistic" about Hellenistic Art ? / with response by J.J. Pollitt | Hellenistic History & Culture, Green, Peter = Ed, University of California Press | 0-520-07564-1 |
Robertson, Noel | The Riddle of the Arrhephoria at Athens | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 87, 1983, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37934-9 |
Robinson, Howard | Aristotelian Dualism | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. I, 1983, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824705-2 |
Robinson, J.M. | On Gorgias | Phronesis, 1973, Suppl. Vol 1 | . |
Robinson, J.M. | On Gorgias | From Exegesis and Argument, Vlastos, Gregory | . |
Robinson, John | Anaximander and the Problem of the Earth's Immobility | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Robinson, P.M. + Rosenblatt, M. Ed | Athens Conference on applied probability and time series, Vol II: Time Series Analysis | Springer | 0-387-94787-6 |
Robinson, T.M. | Parmenides on the Real in its Totality | The Monist, 1979 | . |
Robinson, Thomas M. | The Dissoi Logoi and Early Greek Skepticism | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 6, Before Plato, Preus A. = Ed State University of New York Press, pp. 187-198 |
0-8739-5050-X |
Robinson, Thomas M. | Methodology in the Reading of Heraclitus | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Robinson, Thomas M. | Philolaus and Timaeus | Pythagorean Philosophy, Bourdouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens, 1992 | . |
Robinson, Thomas M. | Pythagoreans and Plato | Pythagorean Philosophy, Bourdouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens, 1992 | . |
Robinson, Thomas M. | The Argument for Immortality in Plato's Phaedrus | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Robinson, Thomas M. | The Pythagorean Way of Life | Pythagorean Philosophy, Bourdouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens, 1992 | . |
Robinson, Thomas M. | The Self-Expression of the real Logos in Heraclitus, Plato, and the Author of the Fourth Gospel | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 1, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens, 1996 | . |
Roman, Ramon | Logos and Antilogos in Protagoras: The inexhaustibility of the Truth Field | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 1, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens, 1996 | . |
Rorty, Richard | Genus as Matter: A Reading of Metaphysics Z-H | Exegesis and Argument, Studies in Greek Philosophy presented to Gregory Vlastos - Mourelatos, A.P.D. / Lee, E.N. / Morty, R.M. = Ed Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen, p. 393-420 | 90-232-1039-5 |
Rosenmeyer, Thomas G. | Plato's Hypothesis and the Upward Path | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Ross, David Sir | The Greek Philosophers | Platnauer, Maurice - Fifty Years of Classical Scholarship, pp. 130-149 | . |
Rossetti, L. | About the Disunity of Heraclitus' Thought | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens, 1989 | . |
Rowe Christopher | A Reply to Van Eck | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XIV, 1996, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823670-0 |
Rowe, Christopher | Explanation in Phaedo 99C 6-102A 8 | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XI, 1993, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824095-3 |
Rowe, Christopher | Socrates an the Lysis | . | . |
Rowe, Christopher | The Unity of Plato's Phaedrus: A Reply to Heath | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VII, 1989, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824242-5 |
Rudebusch George | Comments on Mark McPherran's "Debt to Asclepius" | . | . |
Rudebusch, George | Plato, Hedonism, and Ethical Protagoreanism | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, III, Anton-Preus | . |
Rue, Rachel | The Philosopher in Flight: The Digression 172C-177C in Plato's Theaetetus | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XI, 1993, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824095-3 |
Russel, Bertrand | Meinong's Theory of Complexes and Assumptions | MIND, 1904, No. 13 | . |
Rusten, Jeffrey S. | [Greek]: Pindar's Prayer to Heracles N 7.86-101 | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 87, 1983, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37934-9 |
Rutherford, Ian C. | Paeans by Simonides | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 93, 1990, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37941-1 |
Rutter, N.K. | Campanian Chronology in the Fifth Century B.C. | The Classical Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 1, May 1971 | . |
Ryle, Gilbert | Dialectic in the Academy | New Essays on Plato and Aristotle | . |
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