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Maansfeld, Jaap | Alcmaeon: 'Physikos' or Physician ? With some remarks on Calcidius' 'On Vision' compared to Galen, Plac. Hipp. Plat. VII | Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen | 90-232-1212-6 |
Maansfeld, Jaap | Parmenides fr. 2,1 | Rheinisches Museum 109, 1966, pp. 95-96 | . |
MacBride, Fraser | Can the Property Boom Last? | Aristotelian Society Proceedings, New Series, Vol. CI, The Aristotelian Society | 0-907111-44-0 |
MacDonald, Colin | A Knossian weapon workshop in Late Minoan II and IIIA | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 293-295 | 91-85086-94-0 |
MacGillivray, J.A. | Pottery workshops and the old palaces in Crete | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 273-279 | 91-85086-94-0 |
MacIntyre, A. | Symposium: "The Idea of a Social Science" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XLI, 1967, Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Mackenzie, Mary Margaret | Heraclitus and the Art of Paradox | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VI, 1988, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824835-0 |
Mackenzie, Mary Margaret | Parmenides' Dilemma | Phronesis, , Vol. XXVII, No. 1, 1983 | . |
Mackenzie, Mary Margaret | Plato on Punishment | University of California Press | 0-520-05624-8 |
Mackie, J.L. | Symposium: "Proof" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XL, 1966, Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Mackie, J.L. | The Possibility of innate Knowledge | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXX, 1969-1970, Methuern & Co. Ltd. | . |
MacKinnon, D.M. | Aristotle's Conception of Substance | New Essays on Plato and Aristotle | . |
MacKinnon, J.K. | Heracles' Intention in His Second Request of Hyllus: Trach. 1216-51 | The Classical Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 1, May 1971 | . |
Maconi, Henry | Nova Non Philosophandi Philosophia: A review of Anna Maria Ioppolo, Opinione e Scienza | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VI, 1988, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824835-0 |
Magurshak, Dan | Appendix: Discussion and Comment - Heidegger and Edwards On Sein-Zum-Tode | . | . |
Malcolm, John | On Avoiding the Void | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. IX, 1991, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823991-2 |
Malcolm, John | Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms | . | . |
Manchester, P.B. | Parmenides and the Need of Eternity | The Monist, 1979 | . |
Mansfeld, Jaap | Fiddling the Books Heraclitus B 129 | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Mansion, Suzanne | Un passage obscur du deuxieme livre de la Physique | Kephalaion, Studies in Greek Philosophy and its continuation, Mansfeld, J. + De Rijk, L.M. = Ed, Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen | 90-232-1212-6 |
Mansion, Suzanne | Notes sur la doctrine des categories das les Topicques | Aristotle on Dialectic - The Topics - Proceeding of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Owen, G.E.L. = Ed Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968, pp. 189-201 | . |
Marcovich, Miroslav | Xenophanes on Drinking-Parties and Olympic Games | Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. III, 1978, Marcovich, Miroslav = Ed, University of Illinois Press | 0-252-00654-2 |
Marinatos, Nanno | Public Festivals in the West Courts of the Palaces | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 135-143 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Maritz, Petrus J. | Logos Expressions in Early Christian and Pyzantine Philosophy and Thought: Gregory of Nazianus | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 2, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Marshall, Sandra E. | It's Good to Talk?' | Aristotelian Society Proceedings, New Series, Vol. CI, The Aristotelian Society | 0-907111-44-0 |
Martin, Christopher J. | Non-reductive Arguments from Impossible Hypotheses in Boethius and Philoponus | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XVII, 1999, Sedley, David = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-825019-3 |
Mates, Benson | The Sceptic Way - Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism | . | . |
Matson, W.I.. | Cornford on the Birth of Metaphysics | The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. VIII, No. 3, March 1955 | . |
Matson, Wallace I. | Parmenides Unbound | Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 1, Winter 1980, pp. 345-360 | . |
Matson, Wallace I. | Zeno Moves ! (Book: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 6, Before Plato, Preus A. = Ed) | State University of New York Press, pp. 87-109 | 0-8739-5050-X |
Mau, Juergen | Was there a Specialo Epicurean Mathematics ? (Book: Exegesis and Argument, Studies in Greek Philosophy presented to Gregory Vlastos - Mourelatos, A.P.D. / Lee, E.N. / Morty, R.M. = Ed) | Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen, p. 421-432 | 90-232-1039-5 |
Mawson, T.J. | Eternal Truths and Cartesian Circularity | The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2001 | 0960-8788 (ISSN) |
Maxwell, Nicholas | Discussion: Weinert's Review of "The Comprehensibility of the Universe" | Philosophy, The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, April 2001, Vol. 76, No. 296 | . |
McCabe, Mary Margaret | Form, Forms, and Reform: Richard Kraut ed, The Cambridge Companion to Plato | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XII, 1994, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823527-5 |
McCoy, M. | Xenophanes' Epistemology: Empiricism leading to Skepticism | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
McDermott, Michael | Quine's Holism and Functionalist Holism | MINd, A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, Vol. 110, No. 440, October 2001 | ISSN 0026-4423 |
McDiarmid, J.B. | Theophrastus on the Presocratic Causes | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
McDowell, J.H. | Identity Mistakes | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXX, 1969-1970, Methuern & Co. Ltd. | . |
McGowan, R.S. | Symposium: "Predictive Policies" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XLI, 1967, Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
McGrew, Timothy & Lydia + Vestrup, Eric | Probabilities and the Fine-Tuning Argument: a Sceptical View | Mind, A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, Vol. 110, No. 440, October 2001 |
ISSN 0026-4423 |
McKirahan, R.D. | Speculations on the Origins of Ionian Scientific and Philosophical Thought | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
McKirahan, Richard | Anaximander's Infinite Worlds (Book: Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 6, Before Plato, Preus A. = Ed) | State University of New York Press, pp. 49-66 | 0-8739-5050-X |
McKirahan, Voula Tsouna | The Cyrenaic Theory of Knowledge | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. X, 1992, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824047-3 |
McPherran Mark L. | An Argument 'Too Strange': Parmenides 134c4-e8 | . | . |
McPherran, Mark | Kahn on the Pre-Middle Platonic Dialogues: Comments on Charles Kahn, 'On the Relative Date of the Gorgias and the Protagoras' | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VIII, 1990, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824285-9 |
McPherran, Mark L. | Plato's Reply to the 'Worst Difficulty' Argument of the Parmenides: Sophist 248a-249d | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, III, Anton-Preus | . |
McPherran, Mark L. | Socrates, Crito, and a Debt to Asclepius [draft] | . | . |
McPherran, Mark L. | Socratic Piety: In Response to Scott Calef | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XIII, 1995, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-825000-2 |
Meager, R. | Symposium: "Seeing Paintings" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XL, 1966, Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Meijer, P.A. | Das methodologische im 5. Fr. Des Parmenides | Classica et Mediaevalia 30, 1969, pp. 102-108 | . |
Mendell, Henry | Making Sense of Aristotelian Demonstration | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XVI, 1998, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823815-0 |
Menn, Stephen | The Stoic Theory of Categories | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XVII, 1999, Sedley, David = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-825019-3 |
Merlan, Philip | Aristotle's Unmoved Movers | Traditio, 1946, No. 4 | . |
Michaelides, K. | Die Transzendenz des Logos bei Heraklit | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Mignucci, Mario | Logic and Omniscience: Alexander of Aphrodisias and Proclus | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. III, 1985, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824910-1 |
Miller, Fred D. Jr. | Parmenides on Mortal Belief | History of Philosophy, 1977, No. 15 | . |
Miller, M.H. | Parmenides and the Disclosure of Being | Apeiron 13, 1979, pp. 12-35 | . |
Milton, J.R. | Locke, Medicine and the Mechanical Philosophy | The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2001 | 0960-8788 (ISSN) |
Minar Jr., Edwin L. | Cosmic Periods in the Philosophy of Empedocles | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Minar Jr., Edwin L. | Parmenides and the World of Seeming | American Journal of Philology 70, 1949, pp. 41-55 | . |
Mitsis, P. | Epicurus on Friendship and Altruism | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. V, 1987, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824457-6 |
Mitten, David Gordon | Two new Bronze Objects in the McDaniel Collection: An Etruscan Strainer and a Roman Incense Shovel | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 69, 1965, Harvard University Press | . |
Mohr, Richard D. | Plato's Theology Reconsidered: What the Demiurge Does | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, III,Anton-Preus | . |
Moody, Jennifer | The Minoan palace as a prestige artifact | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 235-241 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Moraux, Paul | La joute dialectique d'apres le huitieme livre des Topiques (Books: Aristotle on Dialectic - The Topics - Proceeding of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Owen, G.E.L. = Ed) | Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968, pp. 277-311 | . |
Moravcsik, J. | Heraclitus at the Crossroads of Pre-Socratic Thought | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Moravcsik, Julius M. | On Correcting the Poets | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. IV, 1986, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824948-9 |
Moravcsik, Julius M. | Reason and Eros in the 'Ascent'-Passage of the Symposium | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, from J.P.Anton | . |
Moravcsik, Julius M. E. | The Anatomy of Plato's Divisions (Book: Exegesis and Argument, Studies in Greek Philosophy presented to Gregory Vlastos - Mourelatos, A.P.D. / Lee, E.N. / Morty, R.M. = Ed) | Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen, p. 324-348 | 90-232-1039-5 |
Moreau, Joseph | Aristote et la dialectique platonicienne (Books: Aristotle on Dialectic - The Topics - Proceeding of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Owen, G.E.L. = Ed) | Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968, pp. 80-90 | . |
Morgan,Michael L. | How does Plato solve the Paradox of Inquiry in the Meno? | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, III, Anton-Preus | . |
Morrison Donald R. | Foundation of Socratic Political Theory | . | . |
Morrison, Donald | Separation : A Reply to Fine | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. III, 1985, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824910-1 |
Morrison, J.S. | Origins of Plato's Philosopher-Statesman, the | The Classical Quarterly, Vol. VIII, 1958 | . |
Morrison, J.S. | Parmenides and ER | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Journal of Hellenistic Studies, 1955, No. 75 | . |
Mouraviev, S.N. | Comment Interpreter Heraclite: Vers une Methodologie scientifique des etudes Heraclitennes | Athens 1989 | . |
Mouraviev, Serge N. | The Hidden Patterns of the Logos | Book: The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 1, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Astronomy and Kinematics in Plato's Project of Rationalist Explanation | Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 12, 1981, pp. 1-32 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | "X is really Y" : Ionian Origins of a Thought Pattern | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Comments on 'The Thesis of Parmenides' | Review of the Metaphysics, 1969, No. 22 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Determinacy and Indeterminacy, Being and Non-Being in the Fragments of Parmenides | Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 1976, Suppl. Vol. 2 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Events, Processes, and States | Linguistics and Philosophy 2, 1978, pp. 415-434 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Heraclitus, Parmenides and the native Metaphysics of things | Exegesis + Argument | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Mind's Commitment to the Real: Parmenides B8.34-41 | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Nothing' as 'Not-being': Some Literary contexts that bear on Plato | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2, Anton, J.P. + Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87395-623-0 |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Route of Parmenides | Yale University Press | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Quality, Structure, and Emergence in Later Pre-Socratic Philosophy | Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 2, 1987, pp. 17-94 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | Some Alternatives in interpreting Parmenides | The Monist, 1979, No. 62 | . |
Mourelatos, Alexander P.D. | The Real, Appearances and Human Error in Early Greek Philosophy | Review of Metaphysics, 1965, No. 19 | . |
Mueller, Ian | Hippolytus Retractatus: A Discussion of Catherine Osborne, Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VII, 1989, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824242-5 |
Muellner, Leonard | The Simile of the Cranes and Pygmies: A Study of Homeric Metaphor | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 93, 1990, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37941-1 |
Murray, D. | Disembodied Brains | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXX, 1969-1970, Methuern & Co. Ltd. | . |
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