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Gaerdenfors, Peter | Concept Learning: A Geometrical Model | Aristotelian Society Proceedings, New Series, Vol. CI, The Aristotelian Society | 0-907111-44-0 |
Galligan, Edward M. | Logos in the Theaetetus and the Sophist | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2, J.P. Anton, + Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87395-623-0 |
Gallop, David | Animals in the Poetics | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VIII, 1990, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824285-9 |
Gallop, David | Dreaming and Waking in Plato | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.P. Anton | . |
Gallop, David | Is' or 'Is Not' ? | The Monist, 1979 | . |
Gallop, David | The Riddles of Heraclitus | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Gantz, Timothy | The Chorus of Aischylos' Agamemnon | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 87, 1983, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37934-9 |
Gardiner, P.L. | Error Faith and Self-Deceptions | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXX, 1969-1970 Methuern & Co. Ltd. | . |
Garson, R.W. | Theocritean Elements in Virgil's Eclogues | The Classical Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 1, May 1971 | . |
Geach, P.T. | The Third Man Again | The Philosophical Review, 1956, PR 65 | . |
Gendlin, Eugene | What are the grounds of Exlication? : A Basic Problem in Linguistic Analysis and in Phenomenology | The Monist, No. 1, Vol 49, 1965, Open Court Publishing Company | . |
Georgopoulos, N. | Why Heraklitos is not a Philosopher | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
Gericke, John D. | The new Logos Theology of Heraclitus and its influence on later philosophical and christian thought | The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 2, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Gerson, Lloyd P. | Plato on Virtue, Knowledge, and the Unity of Goodness | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, III, Anton-Preus | . |
Gertler, Brie | Discussion: The Explanatory Gap is not an Illusion: Reply to Michael Tye | Mind, A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, Vol. 110, No. 439, July 2001 | 0026-4423 (ISSN) |
Gesell, Geraldine, C. | The Minoan Palace and Public Cult | Proceedings of the Fourth International Sumpositum at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June, 1984, pp. 123-128 | 91-85086-94-0 |
Giangrande, Giuseppe | A Passage of Apollonius | The Classical Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 1, May 1971 | . |
Gigon, OL. | Anaxagoras bei Platon und Aristoteles | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens 1989 | . |
G | Aristoteles, Topik iii. 1-3 | Aristotle on Dialectic - The Topics - Proceeding of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Owen, G.E.L. = Ed Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968, pp. 233-256 | . |
Gigon, Olof | Phronesis and Sophia in der Nicomach. Ethik des Aristoteles | Kephalaion, Studies in Greek Philosophy and its continuation, Mansfeld, J. + De Rijk, L.M. = Ed, Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V. Assen | 90-232-1212-6 |
Giles, James | From Inwardness to Emptiness: Kierkegaard and Yogacara Buddhism | The British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2001 | 0960-8788 (ISSN) |
Gill, Christopher | Personhood and Personality: The Four-personae Theory in Cicero, de Officiis I | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VI, 1988, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824835-0 |
Gill, Christopher | Platonic Punishments: A discussion of M.M. Mackenzie, Plato on Punishment, | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. I, 1983, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824705-2 |
Gilliam, J.F. | Some Roman Elements in Roman Egypt | Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. III, 1978, Marcovich, Miroslav = Ed, University of Illinois Press | 0-252-00654-2 |
Glidden, David K. | Epicurean Prolepsis | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. III, 1985, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824910-1 |
Glucker, J. | Who invented "Hylozoism" ? | Ionian Philosophy, Boudouris, K.J. = Ed, Athens, 1989 | . |
Goldberg, David W. | The Power of Logos | The Philosophy of Logos, Vol. 1, Boudouris, K.I. = Ed, Athens 1996 | . |
Golden, Leon | [Greek] in the Illiad | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 93, 1990, Harvard University Press | 0-674-37941-1 |
Goldin, Owen | Parmenides on Philosophy and Thought | Apeiron 26, 1993 | . |
Goldin, Owen | Problems with Graham's Two-Systems Hypothesis | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VII, 1989, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824242-5 |
Goold, G.P. | Faculty Minute on Arthur Stanley Pease | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 69, 1965, Harvard University Press | . |
Gottlieb, Paula | Aristotle versus Protagoras on Relatives and the Objects of Perception | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XI, 1993, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824095-3 |
Goubman, Boris | World Philosophies in a Dialogue of Cultures | The British for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2001, Routledge | 0960-8788 ISSN |
Gould, Joshiah B. | The Stoic Conception of Fate | Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. 2, Anton, J.P. + Preus, A. = Ed, State University of New York Press | 0-87385-623-0 |
Gould, Th. | The Metaphysical Foundations for Aristotle's Ethics | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil., J.A. Anton | . |
Graff, Delia | Phenomenal Continua and the Sorites | MIND, A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, Vol. 110, No. 440, October 2001G, pp. 905-936 | ISSN 0026-4423 |
Graham Daniel W. | Heraclitus and Parmenides | . | . |
Graham, Daniel W. | Heraclitus' Criticism of Ionian Philosophy | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XV, 1997, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-823760-X |
Graham, Daniel W. | Plato's Forgotten Testimony of Anaximenes | . | . |
Graham, Daniel W. | Two Systems in Aristotle | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. VII, 1989, Annas, Julia = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-824242-5 |
Graham, Gordon | Morality and Feeling in the Scottish Enlightenment | Philosophy, The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, April 2001, Vol. 76, No. 296 | . |
Granger, Herbert | Aristotle on the Subject hood of Form | . | . |
Granger, Herbert | Aristotle on the Subjecthood of Form | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XIII, 1995, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-825000-2 |
Granger, Herbert | The Subject hood of Form: A Reply to Shields | Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. XIII, 1995, Taylor, C.C.W. = Ed, Clarendon Press Oxford | 0-19-825000-2 |
Grant, Brian | The Virtues of Common Sense | Philosophy, The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, April 2001, Vol. 76, No. 296 | . |
Grant, C.K. | Symposium: "From World to God ?" | Aristotelian Society, Suppl. Vol. XLI, 1967 Harrison & Sons Ltd, London | . |
Green, Peter Ed | New Approaches to the Hellenistic World | Hellenistic History & Culture, Green, Peter = Ed, University of California Press | 0-520-07564-1 |
Greenberg, Nathan A. | Euripides' Orestes: An Interpretation | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 66, 1962 Cambridge, Harvard University Press | . |
Graff, Delia | Phenomenal Continua and the Sorites | Mind, A Quarterly Review of Philosophy, Vol. 110, No. 440, October 2001 | ISSN 0026-4423 |
Grifffin, James | The Presidential Address: Discrepancies between the Best Philosophical Account of Human Rights and the International Law of Human Rights | Aristotelian Society Proceedings, New Series, Vol. CI, The Aristotelian Society | 0-907111-44-0 |
Griswold Jr., Charles L. | Politike Episteme in Plato's Statesman | Essays in Ancient Greek Phil, III, Anton-Preus | . |
Gruen, Erich S. | Hellenism and Persecution: Antiochus IV and the Jews / with response by M. Gwyn Morgan | Hellenistic History & Culture, Green, Peter = Ed, University of California Press | 0-520-07564-1 |
Guthrie, W.K.C. | Aristotle as Historian | Studies in Preoscratic Philosophy, Vol. I, Furley, David J. + Allen R.E. = Ed, Routledge & Kegan Paul | 0-7100-6759-3 |
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