The Second Alcibiades:
A Platonist Dialogue on Prayer and on Ignorance
The Unknown Plato: Shorter, Dubious and Spurious Works in the Platonic Corpus
Series Editor: Richard McKirahan
Editorial Board: John Dillon, David Sedley, Voula Tsouna
April 2023
259 pages - 6 x 9 - Paperback
$47.00 |
Harold Tarrant
is Emeritus Professor of Classics and former Head of the School of Liberal Arts at the University of Newcastle (UON), Australia. He was born in the UK, and studied at Cambridge University and Durham University, specializing in ancient philosophy. After a brief appointment at Manchester University, he became lecturer in Greek at the University of Sydney, from which he took up the Chair of Classics at UON in 1993. He retired in 2011, and now lives in rural Cambridgeshire, continuing to publish extensively on Platonism and related matters.
Providing a challenging new interpretation of the Second Alcibiades from the Platonic corpus, this treatment sees the dialogue not only as a work of philosophic ethics, but also as one steeped in ancient literature, particularly Euripidean tragedy. The dialogue’s philosophy is underpinned by an epistemology paying special attention to one’s personal viewpoint, as its language shows.
Dramatically, it presents a Socrates who falls into a similar trap from the one he steers Alcibiades away from, facing the dangers of a tragic character thanks to their mutual attraction. Understood in this way the dialogue, here retranslated to bring out such features, is revealed as the work of an author with linguistic and literary gifts who is deeply conscious of the human condition. While reminiscent of the Academic Skeptic picture of Plato, it is the work of somebody still moving cautiously in that direction.
This series is devoted to writings associated with Plato (including those dubbed dubious or spurious) that have received comparatively little attention. Volumes in the series may be commentaries, monographs, collections of articles or proceedings of conferences devoted to one or more of these works.
Designed for scholars and advanced students, the series will make these works better known in their own right through studies characterized by rigorous and up-to-date scholarship presented in an accessible manner. |

"Scholars who study the dubia and spuria as well as the other dialogues in the Platonic corpus will find much of interest here in the method, the conclusions, and the remarks in passing as well as in the focused and current bibliography.” (Full review)
— J. J. Mulhern
University of Pennsylvania |
"This book turns a text that has been easy to ignore into an important resource for an area of ancient Greek thought that deserves more attention. Harold Tarrant’s reflections on the provenance of the Second Alcibiades and its discussion of prayer are by turns suggestive and forensic, and offer fruitful provocation for us to think more about the rise of skepticism in Plato’s Academy.” |
—George Boys-Stones, Professor of Classics and Philosophy, University of Toronto |
"Tarrant's volume is an excellent and multifaceted guide to both the dialogue itself and its contexts, philosophical, literary and historical. The discussion of authenticity is state-of-the-art, and the engaging translation is also recommended for teaching. Everyone working on the Second Alcibiades should have this work on hand." |
—Dr. Alex Long, Senior Lecturer,
School of Classics, University of St. Andrews |