See Images from our Conference and
Trade Show participations: Click Here
11 Mar 2015
Professor Walter Burkert, an eminent classical scholar, has passed. He taught at the University of Zurich as well as in the US and the UK. He was an early supporter of Parmenides Publishing and its authors. His expertise and kindness will be sorely missed.
Continuing with our ongoing effort to advance philosophical research (academic & independent), we have created a new research section. A selection of cited philosophy books from the bibliographies of some of our authors with helpful links for acquiring them.
We hope you will find it useful. There is also a form to suggest books that have been particularly useful to you as well.
Parmenides Publishing presents "PRESOCRATICS AND PLATO:
Festschrift at Delphi in Honor of Charles Kahn"
At the conference "Interpreting Plato: A Conference in Honor of Charles Kahn
upon the occasion of his retirement from the University of Pennsylvania" in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Click here for Photos
Click here for more information on the conference.
02—05 June 2011
Parmenides Publishing co-sponsors the Plotinus Colloquium conference at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin Ireland.
Click here for Photos
Click here for more information on the conference.
05—07 May 2011
Da Parmenide di Elea al Parmenide di Platone
Parmenides Publishing participates at the Eleatica 2011 conference in Foundazione Alario – Marina di Ascea, Italy
Click here for Photos
Click here for more information on the conference.
30 April 2011
Readers of Homer Event - Getty Villa - Malibu, CA
Stanley Lombardo, translator and acclaimed performer of the Parmenides Publishing award-winning audiobooks, began the program by reciting the opening passages of The Iliad, first in Greek and then in English.
Readers of all ages and backgrounds participated in this unique opportunity to bring alive Homer's The Iliad, the thrilling tale of the Trojan Wars.
Parmenides Publishing celebrates the launch of the long awaited Plato's Parmenides with the author, Arnold Hermann.
28—31 July 2010
The Second Conference of the International Association
for Presocratic Studies.
The Second IAPS conference took place at the University of Edinburgh and was held in conjunction with the Celtic Conference in Classics. The HYELE Institute co-sponsored a Bookstore event in celebration of a new edition of A. H. Coxon's The Fragments of Parmenides (Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2009), as well as a conference Dinner in honor of A. H. Coxon, on Thursday, 29th July 2010. Click here for Photos
13 Apr 2010
Parmenides Publishing exhibits at APA Pacific Division
St. Francis Hotel
San Francisco, CA
31 Mar25 Apr 2009
Aquila Theater
New York's Aquila Theater will perform Homer's Iliad: Book One, a new theatrical production based upon Stanley Lombardo's translation.
Performances run from March 31 - April 25 at the Lucille Lortel Theatre.
Parmenides Publishing makes a donation to 16 libraries affiliated with Page + Stage of Stanley Lombardo's Illiad audiobooks for their 2009 performance series, Know Thyself.
For a full list of upcoming Page + Stage events, click here.
2730 Dec 2007
Parmenides Publishing exhibits at APA Eastern Division 104th Annual Meeting
Marriott Waterfront Hotel
Booth # 410
Baltimore, MD
30 Oct 2 Nov 2007
Parmenides Publishing and the Hyele Institute for Comparative Studies, in collaboration with Prof. Néstor-Luis Cordero, Director of the Centro de Estudios de Filosofia Antigua (CEFA) at the Universidad Nacional de San Martin (Argentina) are co-sponsoring the International Symposium "Parmenides, venerable and awesome" (Plato, Theaetetus 183e) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 30 October 2 November 2007.
Click here for photos. (Kindly provided by Chiara Robbiano)
November 2007
Arnold Hermann, author of To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy, was interviewed by Sky Radio host Dennis C. Michael on the importance of using imagination to think for oneself in today's information age.
This interview will be broadcast to more than 4.2 million travelers on over 52,000 flights worldwide via Sky Radio in-flight channels on American Airlines for the month of November 2007 and Northwest Airlines for the month of December 2007.
Iliad wins the 2007 Benjamin Franklin Award for best audiobook in Adult Nonfiction.
This Award is presented each year by the Publishers Marketing Association at BookExpo America and recognizes excellence in editorial and design merit in independent publishing.
Click here to view video footage of Vice President Gale Carr accepting the Benjamin Franklin Award at the presentation ceremony.
Click here to see Iliad listed as a Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award.
1-3 June 2007
Parmenides Publishing exhibits at Book Expo America 1-3 June 2007
Booth # 4881
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York City, NY
Spring 2007
The Parmenides Publishing 2007 catalog is out now. All of our upcoming books are included. If you would like one, please contact us.
1 May 2007
The Parmenides Publishing website is the First Place Winner in the Publisher's Website Category for the PubWest 2007 Western Regional Book Design & Production Awards
Our Parmenides Publishing 2006 Catalog is a Runner-Up in the Publisher's Catalog Category for the PubWest 2006 Western Regional Book Design & Production Awards
Parmenides is featured on the Frankfurt Issue of Publishers Weekly for a second year in a row. Featured are our abridged versions of Iliad and Essential Homer.
Our titles are distributed by The University of Chicago Press
4-8 Oct 2006
Parmenides exhibits at the Frankfurt BookFair
4-8 October, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Hall 8.0 Booth # N969
We presented all of our 2006 titles in addition to our newest releases including Essential Homer and Essential Iliad.
01 May 2006
IPD wins the 2005 Gold Award in Philosophy from ForeWord
Interpreting Plato's Dialogues by J. Angelo Corlett and published by Parmenides Publishing won the 2005 Gold Award in Philosophy from ForeWord Magazine.
They list their awards per category, so the book is listed under Philosophy.
The certificate was presented to Parmenides Publishing at the BEA (Book Expo America).
26 Apr 2006
National Release of Stanley Lombardo's Iliad & Odyssey Audiobooks
Kansas University's Spencer Museum of Art & Parmenides Publishing co-sponsored a live performance of Homer's Iliad by Stanley Lombardo on Wed 26 April 06 at 7 pm. It was a resounding success!
Thanks to the organizer of this event, museum director Saralyn Reece Hardy, and everyone who attended!
Please check back as we will be updating the News with upcoming live events across the US this summer.
KU Connection wrote a great article on the event. Click here to read it
Parmenides exhibits at the Archaeological Institute of America / American Philological Association Joint Annual Meeting
Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Canada
Booth # 317
Siendo, Se Es, the Spanish edition of By Being, It Is (published by Parmenides in English in 2004) is published by Editorial Biblos and presented by author Néstor-Luis Cordero to students and colleagues at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of Buenos Aires University. In the author's words:
"The presentation was a BIG success. The three young colleagues said enormous compliments, students were very interested, and in my short speech I payed homage to the modern Quixotes, Parmenides Publishing and Editorial Biblos. More than 20 exemplars were sold at the end of the meeting!"
"In sum, this is an outstanding example of a careful reading of a Platonic dialogue, insightfully attuned to its literary aspects without neglecting its philosophical content."
23-29 Jun 2005
Parmenides makes its debut as exhibitor at the ALA - American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago. Click here for images.
05 Jun 2005
Patricia Curd's The Legacy of Parmenides is reviewed by Marina N. Volf in Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Click here to read the full review. Excerpt:
"The book is very well produced; I noticed no typographical errors. It is a must for any serious researcher of early Greek philosophy and is highly recommended to graduate students working in the field."
Parmenides attends the BookExpo America convention and PMA events in New York City. At the Benjamin Franklin Award ceremony The Illustrated To Think Like Godis selected as a Finalist in the Metaphysics / Spirituality category. Click here for more info.
05 Apr 2005
Néstor-Luis Cordero's By Being, It Is is reviewed by Chiara Robbiano in Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Click here to read the full review. Excerpt:
"An undisputable merit of C.'s book is to offer clarity about important textual issues, combining an incredible conscientiousness -- which is the result of the consultation of an enormous amount of manuscripts -- and insight in offering, or reiterating, his own conjectures."
22-27 Mar 2005
Parmenides attends the American Philosophical Association conference in San Francisco. Click here for images.
To Think Like God (scholarly & fully annotated edition) is reviewed by Francisca Goldsmith in the Library Journal. Click here to read the review.
January 2005
Our Newsletter featuring our Recent Publications in Philosophy has been sent out; it may be viewedhere. If you would like to receive future issues please click here.
27-30 Dec 2004
APA - American Philosophical Association in Boston. Click hereto see pictures.
Visit Parmenides Publishing at the Frankfurt Bookfair - Hall 8, Booth N 969 - from October 6 to October 10, 2004. On Friday, October 8, between 3 and 6 pm, we invite publishers and rights managers to visit us at our booth for an opportunity to meet some of our authors, get to know the Parmenides crew while enjoying snacks and refreshments.
This Fall, Parmenides Publishing distributed by the University of Chicago Press launches its first titles for both trade and academic audiences.
The Illustrated TO THINK LIKE GOD, complete with more than 200 lush, four-color illustrations, is Parmenides Publishing's featured trade title intended for general readers. Publisher Weekly Cover Pages 1 & 2 Pages 3 & 4
In addition to trade publications, Parmenides Publishing also specializes in academic titles with an emphasis on Ancient Greek Philosophy and Classics. We intend to offer new works in the field, make important out-of-print books available again, and translate relevant foreign titles into the English language. We believe that scholarly works in Ancient Philosophy and Classics should be easily obtainable and affordable for professors and students alike.